The Code on Wage Bill, 2019

Examine the main provisions of the code on wage bill, 2019. Do you think deciding minimum wage through a legislation would ultimately destroy jobs ? Critically Analyse ? Recently parliament passed Code on wage bill, 2019 which replaced the existing acts payment of wages act, 1936 , the minimum wages act, 1948, payment of Bonus […]

E-governance in India

In the last two decades, ever since the year 2000 when e-gov had begun in India with the flagship e-gov schemes like Bhoomi, e-Seva, FRIENDS etc. The following lessons have emerged regarding what is to be done in future for optimally utilizing the huge potential of ICT . The importance of political will: The current Govt. […]

Digital India Initiative

Digital India Initiative from 2014: It’s one of the flagship schemes of the NDA govt. It has the aim of making India a digitally empowered economy and a knowledge society by 2019. It has 3 major components: a.   Digital empowerment of citizens: ●       Universal digital literacy: For this, Universal Digital Literacy Mission is being run which had […]

Social Audit

Social auditing is a process by which an organizations/government undergo for a impact realization of its work by its stakeholders and take measures to improve its social performance. Social audit as a concept was envisaged by Charles Medawar in 1972. A social audit on at ground level helps to narrow down the gaps between what is envisioned and […]

Role of Media

Context The fourth pillar of the world’s largest democracy is threatening the vibrancy of democracy itself. Threats to press freedom are far greater from within than from outside. Noise in politics is the music of democracy but noise in news is making mockery of democracy. Tabloid news and yellow journalism are the alarming challenges in […]